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Telegram Deals
New to Telegram?? or my deals? How does this work??
🌹 I seen links to deals that you can grab!
- Remembers deals are active at the time of posting & can always end or sell out at anytime!!!
🔹 PROMO CODES - are deals posted with a promo code. promo codes are enter at check out in the “add a gift card or promotion code” box.
- Codes can expire at any time!
- Usually codes will only work once
- but sometimes you could use the code more than once, you wont know unless you try or if I state it in the post or if another member comment it.
- “This code cannot be applied to your purchase” - means the code does not work for the item in your cart or the seller may have removed the code or item.
- “The promotional code you entered has expired” - means the code has expired.
- “The promotional code you entered is not valid” - means the promo code is no longer working.
🔹 CLIP COUPON - clip the extra % off coupon that is located under the price of the item. (click the box to clip)
- if a coupon doesn’t show up, Refresh!
- if a coupon doesn’t stick, Refresh!
(clip coupons can be taken off at any time)
🔹⚡️LIGHTNING DEALS “LD”⚡️ - Lighning deals are special promotion and deals available are a certin amount of time and has a claim limit.
- LD starts at a certain time for everyone with Prime
(non-prime 30 mins after)
- Once LD starts aka goes Live -you must try to add to cart asap!
- I will always try to state when the LD start or give you a heads up, 1-5 min warning.
- Once an LD is in your cart you have 15 min to decide if you want to purchase + clip any coupon or add an codes.
- if an LD deal is 100% claimed, get on the wait list! if someone choses not to purchase, the item will be released to those on the waitlist.
(you can be notified if you are on the waitlist)
- LD deals can also sell out even if it’s in you cart, due to not having enough inventory. (Keep that in mind)
🔹 FREE/FREEBIES - Freebies are items we get Free with promo codes, coupons, & discounts. Freebies are always posted randomly. I will usually always write FREE or if you see just a link posted it self that means it may be free. Freebie deals always dies with in minutes or seconds so be quick!
🔹❌❌DEAD DEAL❌❌ - deal deal means the deal is no longer available.
🔹 - is where I have all my links to my pages, rebates apps, & currrent deals.
- I usually post <ADULT ITEMS> in my campsite links under “CURRENT DEALS”
- I will also try to have current deals links that is still available
🔹CHAT/COMMENTS - anyone can chat and comment at anytime unless I turn the comments off.
All I ask if for members to follow the rules & NO DRAMA!
1. Do not be rude or cause drama!
2. No affilate links!
(if you are unsure, you can send the links to me 1st)
3. No promoting/mentioning of other groups!
4. No selling in the chat! (DM each other)
5. Ask someone for permission to message them 1st!
& Thank you for being apart of my group! hope you scan as many deals as you can!
- CityCouponMom aka Rosie 🌹